Mary Mary Quite Contrary, How Does Your Garden Grow?

Monday, May 18, 2009 Edit This 0 Comments »
Food security is life. Most of the food people eat, isn't food. All those things on the box you can't pronounce, isn't food. Some of the things that sound harmless and food like isn't food. Corporate interest has infiltrated everything down to the basic food groups. After WWII, there was a lot of ammonium nitrate hanging around, not turning into capital. So they made it into fertilizer and sold it to the farmers. Americans ate the bombs they dropped. The government, the market, they lie. They lie and people die. Mutant veggies don't have the vitamins we need. The more food is genetically modified, and tampered with the less nutrients we will have to live of off. Our bodies created from the planet, needs what the planet has to offer. Life comes through life. Control comes from denying all the right to life. When someone locked up the food, humanity changed. We no longer have the right to live. Now even capital can't save you from scary mutant vegetables. After all, that's how they can divert more capital into the health and pharmaceutical companies....shock!!! So, with the government trying to kill me, I say hot damn peaches, I'm growing my own.

With no land, one must be creative, but you can grow vegetables anywhere you can put some soil at. For me it's my balcony. Got my dirt and pots for free. Most of the bigger veggies came from James Bay Market...seeds from farmers all about! No noticeable aroused suspicion with hauling huge pots of dirt into the building... Here is What I have going so far....