BC Votes Today!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009 Edit This 0 Comments »

Well...it took me a long time to make this decision; who do I vote for. I recognize that really, my vote shouldn't matter, unless Hell froze over, but it's kind of sunny outside. I live in Carol James's riding, so I'm pretty sure she will win.

It is not for lack of knowledge, passion or hope for a better world that I chose not to vote for a candidate, but due to the lack of options. I've personally interacted with every candidate in my riding. I know them well. This is why I cannot vote for them. I know they will not represent me, nor do I believe in the things they believe in. I don't need to slam each one, but I could. Just as I could find great things about each one as well.

To me, not voting is a harder decision to make. It says I don't feel like I have options. It says, democracy is flawed. I did vote for the referendum, and I voted yes. I doubt it will change anything, if anything it may make people more complacent, but it was an idea I felt I could make a check mark on.

Elections are the lowest form of democracy, every 4 years we give our rights aways. I am keeping my rights, and continue to fight for them; every day, with every decision, until the time comes when we all have the power.

Do something democratic!!! Vote, don't vote, burn your ballot...whatever it is, you have the power to do it.

And god only knows what could happen tonight!